Spent the day typing, my own fault, I'd had a lazy week and still had 90 minutes of tape to transcribe. Better than last Sunday when I had two hours left!
Anyhoo, my parents came over yesterday, we did some shopping, Dad got two new pairs of shoes (he loves the Factory Shop), Mum got some bits including a new pack-a-mack and some footwear and then we went to Riggs. Jo's birthday pressie to me was some new fish. I spent a while on the internet last week looking into sizes and how many my tank could support and then a fair amount of time in Riggs walking down the tanks, thinking which ones I liked. I ended up with 10 male guppies in various pretty colours (three with fire tails and blue bodies; three shimmery pale blue, three smaller shimmery blue with red tails and one orange body, red tail). Jo also rather liked the orange mollies with bits of black on so we got three of those. Also treated George the pleco to six plants.
He threw a fishy hissy fit yesterday, suddenly the tank population went from 5 to 18 and he was miffed! He's more settled today and there seems to be an agreement to leave 6" all round him.
Some photos of the tank now:

We came back home and while the fish acclimatised in their bags before being let out we all sat and had a drink and chatted. Dad showed me what needed doing for the cables the office will pay me for soldering, £10 a cable no less! and the business will pay postage on them too.
We chatted about stuff and then, once the fish were released and we'd all unglued ourselves from watching them, we went off to the Ram Inn for an absolutely stuffing tea! We all shared the "our sharing platter" and "fish sharing platter" for starters, Jo and I had burgers for mains, Mum had chicken Forestiere, and Dad had fish &chips. Dad refrained from pudding, Mum had some chocolate ice cream and Jo and I shared choc brownies with ice cream. We were all pleasantly full and then it was 8pm! Mum and Dad dropped us off at home, we said bye and they drove off home.
Jo and I played a game of Scrabble and then we went to bed, happily sated. I basically treated yeterday like my birthday and relaxed and enjoyed.
I also succumbed to startitis last week and started a Granny stripes blanket, ala Attic24, it's going okay:

Pippa spent Saturday morning lounging in the sun and I found her positions and poses so funny I had to share:
Unaware the camera was on her:

"bugger off Mum"

"Aww, sod it, I'll just flop this way"

I gave her a treat stick, she decided that while she wasn't goint to eat it, she would lie on it to make sure no one else did!

"I'm ignoring you and I'm going to look downright miserable too"

She is a funny old madam.
I got some pressies too! Alice, my older sister in law, sent me some books that were turned into the series "True Blood" that I shall read. Mum sent me some Anita Blake books and a polo shirt. I also got a cheque from my Grandma&grandad.
That's it really,
I'm going to check a few online things and then relax with my granny stripes blanket and then go to bed.
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