Spent about the last 7 weeks doing audio transcripts for a guy writing a book. That's finished now so I'm working down a list of companies that hire audio typists.
Yesterday was productive though.
Changed some of the water in the fish tank and cleaned the filter media, also reattached the heater
Painted some of hubs models, Brittonia k-niggits from Warhammer Fantasy. He's been invited to a gaming group Thursday evenings and as his idea of painting models is black undercoat I have taken on the job of the kniggits.
Decided that the christmas tree was indeed dead, removed it and cleaned the pot, replanted my 27 year old money tree and that is now living in the bathroom. THis was prompted by a bumble bee. You see, when the weather is nice I like to have the back door open, it allows the doglet to go cook herself and the air to change. I was sitting painting models when I heard a bumble come in, they're not the brightest of creatures and this one was bouncing off the window so I decided to finish the colour I was working and then capture the bee and take it back outside.
It took me about 10 more minutes to finish the colour, the bee went quiet. After a look on the windowsil I found the bee in the mass of cobweb on the 'sill, I also found a spider that was 3 inches from foot to foot. Well, once I knew it was there it had to go, sorry but I can't knowingly live with one that big in the house. I removed some of the plants, the bee and then got a jar and caught the spider. I then hoovered the 'sill to make sure that it was clear it was not welcome back.
Hubs came down to find me slightly jittery on adrenaline and with an empty pesto jar sat on the table with a DVD box on top of it. I showed him the substantial guest and asked him to "take it for a walk" It was evicted over the back wall and will hopefully find a more acceptable domicile.
So yes, did all that and decided the windowsill was getting crowded with the huge tree on there and the yukka growing the other side so the yukka is now the biggest plant on the sill and the tree is happily rehomed and repotted. I would have preffered to use more compost but I didn't have any more so that's on my to do list in the next week or two.
Cleaned out ferret litter pans and made sure they were well fed and watered and happy. Will deal with the mess Rumble and Nushu have made of their cage later today. They've decided to sleep in the litter pan and poop on the cage floor.
I'm planning Christmas presents already! Mum's going to get some hand knit house socks for her always-chilly feet. If I can manage it, Dad will get some aran socks for walking. Grandma will be some more arthritis gloves, she loves them and has actually been able to return to knitting a little. Grandad I don't know yet, possibly the ole liquorice.
I can't believe we're over half way through August already! I've got the dreaded dentist on Friday, must ring to check when, Two of my molars have sprung holes around the filling and another has just sprung a hole. I truly dislike the dentist but I dislike not being able to chew even more. Glad I have done all this work, dentist isn't cheap.
On to photos!
Last month a group of us went to Ilkley, nice day out, we stopped off at Create! for the morning, did some yarn shopping:

It's also a pottery painting place and they will post your finished things out to you. So I painted a dragon money box and a sheep ornament. Completely forgot about them until a got a box of "hand sanitiser" one morning....

The dragon is even cuter 'in person' and I love the sheep's little yellow nose.
I also started seriously working on Dodo's shawl:

I'm loving the look even though there's the odd row where I dread anyone ringing the phone or banging on the door!
Also got a serious amount of hubs' jumper done:

Ted and Miffy's owner is pregnant and has said that if anyone wants to knit for the kidlet the only rule is: "no pastels!"

I've also knit a small "squircle" bag from the pattern on Ravelry, it's the perfect size to be a money pouch.
It got me wanting to knit myself a project bag so I scaled up and am now design knitting my own with beads.
No photos of those yet, sorry.
yes, pretty productive times at the moment. That's with having watched 2 seasons of LOST and 4 seasons of NCIS.
Anyhoo, that's it for now.
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