Not bad methinks. Winifred is going to add some sticks to stiffen them and I shall endeavour to go visit the festival (hayfever drugged up to the eyeballs!) and get a photo of our display.
Went to the knit group at Three Bags Full in the Piece hall today and happened to pop into the glass shop at the bottom end, well, they had soooooo many pretty dangly things I couldn't resist!

One dragon windchime :)
I also asked Jojo to show me how to do the Japanese crochet cast on that not only gets rid of the starting chain but also gives you a starting dc or tr row, fantastic! I've started the granny stripes blanket from Attic24

The yarn is Hayfield Bonus, 100g for £1.20 I can get all sorts of colours and have fun just grabbing a ball as and when :)
That's about it really, as far as crafty stuff.
Being self-employed is taxing my self control, I've so far only done 35 min of 240, eep. Will do some more this evening, more tomorrow morning and I *will* get to 140min before the end of Thursday.
Anyhoo, later folks.
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