All I've knit this week has been Innocent hats, they're strangely addictive and just what I need. As complicated as I want to do, excellent when I've just started doing some work and therefore am taxing the ole grey cells.
Here's my latest week's knitting:

And the tub of all the hats so far:

40 hats so far.
It's a great way of using up the wool I dyed for my shop that didn't sell and doesn't inspire me. 100g of pure wool makes about 20 hats or something insane.
Anyhoo, going to get back to transcribing. I have a busy week and need to do about 15 hours of work to transcribe 4 hours of tape.
Oooh, yes, Pippa has arthritis. She spent the weekend wheedling and on Sunday she just could not get comfy so monday morning we went down to the vets. She wheedled all the bus journey and while in the waiting room and then did everything she could to get OFF the vet table! She did NOT appreciate the thermometer, nor did she appreciate having the scab on her lady bits removed so the vet could check it was infection free. So when I finally lifted her down she was most determined to exit the room.
We got 5 days of Rimadyl, an anti-inflammatory and when we got home I ran the RSPCA to book in to see their vet about long term treatment. You see, Pippa is an EARS(Elderly Animal Rehoming Scheme) dog and so we get a discount on medications, free worming tablets and free spray on flea treatment or £1.50 per pippette of spot-on flea treatment. So if she has to be on these pills for the rest of her life we can get them at cost or even below which is damn handy when the vet charges £2 per tablet and she needs one per day.
Yep, we got the pills, I stuck one in some minced beef and down it went. This morning I was bounced at, repeatedly. Suffice to say madam is feeling a lot better! She bounded into the yard, back inside, jumped at me, back outside, all the time with tail high and waggy and mouth in huge staffy grin. Today's medicating was fun, you see these tablets are 1cm square and about 3mm thick, not exactly small, so the amount of beef mince required to hide this is quite substantial and causes madam to chew before swallowing, ergo she finds the pill. So I've split the next one in two and put those bits in two smaller chunks of beef, and just to confuse matters there's two chunks of just beef.
Thursday I shall ask for more pills and whether it's alright to freeze them into ice cube sized lumps of meat. The cunning plan being if the whole thing is frozen she won't find the half pill in each cube and eat the lot. (I know, I know, fat chance!) but also it's easier than getting out so much raw meat every day to stick the pill in.
She's definitely happier already, very bouncy girly who's also happy to lay back and relax in the sunshine or in the living room with her pack. She's also on restricted exercise, no more loooong walks up and over the hills, just our 30 minute walks round the block or to the fishing lake, and no free running! Ahh well, that's enough to keep her happy and trim. She's a perfect weight so at least that isn't affecting the arthritis.
right honest, now I'm going to work.
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