A lady we'd never met won the hand knitted item and American Sarah came second so a good do there.
I did get a few shots I will share:
The first is a funny poster I saw in the beekeeping tent:

Well, it made me laugh.
Next is the Physics defying pencil:

There are no holes at either end and the piece holding it has no joins.
(Jo reckons the pencil is infact in pieces)
Finally the most amazingly named quail:

This little peep was in the children's pets section and look petrified the poor thing.
That's it really.
Off to the Piece Hall in Halifax tomorrow for Knit in Public day. Going to take Pippa with me and she can have a day out watching the world go by and meeting people. Hopefully she'll be a good girl and not sit there and squeal all day. So long as there's sun and shade for her to alternate lying in we'll be fine ;)
Later peeps,
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