These 16 were completed by 16th June
I've knit these 12 this week. Mainly while watching Lost that is actually keeping me entertained.

This year one of the patterns features beads so I bought some smily beads to furnish my DK thickness hats:

I've also managed some shots of George the pleco:

He's a right moody git this week, Hurtle and Myrtle (named by hubs) the clown loaches have been winding him up so he keeps having a grump and chasing them then settling back down.
It's the Todmorden Agricultural Show today so I was up early to take in my entry to the knitting contest. Serious competition! Two lace shawls, Alison's snood, a child's jumper and hat set with intarsia design and some other knits. I did consider taking a ferret to enter in the competition but decided not to and took Pippa in to look around, she was amazed by all the smells and things and more things and dogs! We were out for about one and a half hours and now madam is zonked in the sunshine in the back yard. I'll probably take her back with me at 4:30 to collect my knitting and see all the sheep.
I persuaded Jo to get some money out and we did do a little spending this morning. We got three cornish pasties; a game pie; three pieces of Millionaire's shortbread; a lemon drizzle cake and a chocolate cake. I'm just finishing off the lemon cake (it was only small, 3" wide, 6" long, 3" high) and have had two of the cornish. Funnily enough I won't be having anything substantial for tea.
Had another fishy issue yesterday. I'd turned off the filter to clean the sponges again (yes, George poops that much!), put the sponges back, turned on filter, nothing happening, oh crap! So I changed the fuse, nothing, changed fuse actually fine, turned off again and removed impeller unit, gave that a wash (you don't want to know how filthy that had gotten!) and put filter back together, crossed fingers, turned on switch, hurrah! Yep, the impeller was fine but the water wasn't going to it because the channels between media and impeller were jammed full of fish poop.
I got paid £30 for some transcribing I'd done so I've just spent £10.50 on a new set of media (sponges, pads and micro-stuff) as that will all need replacing next month anyhoo.
I also did a little impulse buy of four balls of Regia Mosaic in colour 5558 but now I'm not sure why so I may end up selling it on to American Sarah who rather likes it too.
I'm knackered! My elbows are slowly healing and I did remember to ask the manageress what they use to clean the tables, her answer was rather vague. First it was "oh! Antibac!" then she mentioned the cleaner uses "soapy water" and that the water usually "looks quite foamy" so she's said she will ask for more detail by next week. I now have a bit of fabric in my bag for Bear trips to lean on although at the moment I can't lean on them as they really hurt when I do that.
Back to little hats: A kind lady on Phoenix forum had sent me some 4-ply in pink for the watermelon pattern but then she PM'd me on Friday morning to let me know it had been delivered back to her! So she's trying to post it again with the hopes it gets to me this time.
Anyhoo, that's it for now. I shall have a few photos from the show next post.
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