Yesterday I was at the Bear for three hours or so. I spent the time mainly knitting with my elbows on the table. Sounds harmless enough, yes? Well by the last half hour my elbows were starting to feel sore so I was avoiding resting on them. Got home, wrote yesterday's post, did some other things, then looked at my elbows, two huge blisters!
By that time they'd popped so I cleaned them off (ever washed raw new skin? it HURTS!) and got hubs to stick dressings over them.
Today my left elbow is better but the right, that had the bigger patch is still sore.
The point of this post other than to winge? If you ever see me resting on the Bear's tables with bare elbows and nothing between me and table please remind me! Whatever they're using to clean the tables does not agree with my skin and I would really like never to repeat this experience again.
I suspect they're using an enviromentally friendly orange oil cleaner that is stocked in the shop below, unfortunately I'm allergic to orange oil aren't I?
My future packing for the Bear will now include a piece of fabric to put under my elbows/arms.
Right, back to knitting teeny tiny hats :)
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