The PCSO who's been helping me get the parents in check had a friendly chat asking why I was quitting, I couldn't say the whole truth because parents were in earshot but he got the jist (gist?). I have left a message for the headmistress asking if I may continue my afternoons in the classrooms, I was going to ask about it this morning but it's been a bad week for the school due to a robbery of their tech. kit so I'm leaving it for Monday to let her de-stress a bit first.
12 more shifts.
Hubbie has two interviews coming up which we're hoping one will say yes at. He's off to the far NW of Scotland on the 5th March and the NE isles on the 15th. We're really really hoping one of them will take him on and that his current headteacher may allow him to leave early if they ask.
In amazingly heart-warming news I had the honour of sewing this together about two weeks ago:

It's for a beautiful baby girl in America who's fought really hard against a genetic disease to still be here today and free of feeding and breathing tubes and other machinery. She's called June and in the photo of her in the blankie she looks really chuffed yet you can see the determination and will she has in the expression that says "You're not taking it away". There were also a couple of gifts for Mum and family; some Belgian Cote D'Or chocotoffs for Mum and siblings and some Sirdar Escape in teal and purple for Mum to make herself something lovely.
Anyhoo, hubbie is home and wants to chat so that will do for now.
Later peeps,
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