Thursday, 31 December 2009

End of one, start of another

While I don't really do anything special for New Year's it's nice to look back over the year.

This year has been rather positive I think. I have:

Overcome my depression enough that I have not once harmed myself this year, I've gotten through the withdrawl period without incident. (The body releases it's own opiate when damaged and self harmers can become addicted to it)

Learnt to feed my mania energy into productive things like serious housework or studies or knitting.

Started a course that could see me still working with the primary kids I've come to like the company of but inside and more fulfilling.

Gotten the living room to look like a living room! We've been here 2 years and 3 months, it took until Sunday for me to seriously sit down and sort it all out.

Finally gotten my yarn sorted and stashed in covered boxes and on shelves, I only have (1)Crochet squares bedspread [long-term project] (2) Child's jumper (3)Sipusa's gift [changed plans on that and need to get me skates on! Sent the pressies, just not the hand-made part, bad me] and (4) chicks for the school knitting group easter project on the go at the moment. 4 WIPs, not bad.

A negative this year was being diagnosed with intracranial hypertension but it has been the kick up the arse I needed to do something about my weight. I lost a stone in 2009 and am aiming to lose another 2 in 2010, so I hope to be 19stone by 2011. Ideally I want to get down to 16 or 17 as I have been 16 stone and it was a very nice figure for me. It would still have me listed as overweight on the BMI scale but as I know at that point my ribs are easily found, my collarbone is quite visible and I only really have belly fat at that weight I'll be happy.

Another plus was Jo agreeing we could have a dog. We looked at the various websites of various rescues (Dogs Trust, SBTrescue, RSPCA, Tia Greyhound) and rather fell for a 10yo staffie girly at the RSPCA. I went to the kennels yesterday and made arrangements to meet her today along with another staffy who's just been cleared for homing. Well, we met the new one first, okay, then we met Pippa, after just 10 minutes Pippa and I had clicked. So, once we are homechecked and (hopefully) pass we will be the happy owners of a gorgeous, slightly insane, staffy called Pippa. I just hope she doesn't have a thing for knitting or that could be interesting.

So, looking into 2010....

New year's resolutions:
  • To work down my stash and only buy yarn I truly, desperately WANT and will do something with.
  • To keep WIPs to 5 or less and no more than 3 of either craft (knitting or crochet)
  • To master cables, I have the idea but more practice is required to get used to them.
  • To walk more (the addition of a dog will aid this greatly)
  • To complete my course (I have until November 2010 and hope to finish before then)
  • To lose 2 stone / reach 19 stone
  • To keep the house in a relatively clutter-free state (this will require the training of the husband)
  • to damn well enjoy myself!
Anyway, it may only be 10:03pm but I am tired and want sleep (I've got a damned cold just days before going back to work) so I wish you all a Happy New Year, may you all find happiness and peace in 2010.


josiekitten said...

Happy New Year to you Fluzz! Good luck with all your intentions! xx

sarah said...

Good luck with your resolutions. They are very simiar to my own!!

Happy 2010.