Firstly, Tassimo: do you HAVE to insult knitters like that? Really? It's actually a pretty good jumper design. As for the "wife" part, my HUSBAND wants me to make him a jumper one day, so NER-NER to you!
I had a cold last weekend, made me sleep 31 hours out of 48. Was a little chesty this week but assumed it was the remains of cold. Thursday night I had a shiver session so I just went to bed early. Friday evening I had the same, plus lack of appetite and my fingernails kept going blue, not purple, BLUE. 6pm hubbie came home, saw me under 22togs and shivering and I told him to give me 2 hours. 8pm I was still unwell so hubbie takes control and starts ringing numbers:
Flu pandemic hotline say I have flu with complications, ring GP out of hours.
GP out of hours give him the Spanish Inquisition and eventually hubbie gives me mobile to talk to the nurse. She says I'll probably need to go to Halifax and she'll add needs transport to the referral. Luckily this lead to the GP coming to me, how wonderful. He took a listen to my chest, blood pressure, okay....."do you smoke?" Chest infection. Apparently I sound like I've smoked for many years.
So I'm now on Amoxycillin, 500mg 3x a day. I'm also house-bound and not to do anything but REST until Wednesday. So I'm going to wait until Jo gets up at 4ish, take my morning dose, go to bed, sleep until midday-ish, take middle dose with lunch and then sit and knit/spin/read/internet the day away. I'm going to aim some laundry for 7pm as I can easily get it downstairs (read: throw/kick it down the stairs) but once wet it's beyond me right now.
My parents came to visit on Saturday, Mum had told me lunchtime so I was dozing in bed at 11am when they did ring the doorbell. I went to get dressed and come down to Mum washing up and Dad organising the piles of stuff. Mum had said they wouldn't do that but with everything that's happened they decided to, very kind. I told them about the chest infection, didn't really need to after I had a cough but hey.
After a little while Mum and I retire to the living room to discuss things, they've said they can afford the gastric banding privately if that's how I want to go. They've also left a cheque to cover a private consultation so I can actually get that done while waiting for the funding reply instead of after, which may well buy me some months. Whichever route we take they're going to give me a clothes allowance while my weight rapidly drops, I do have smaller clothes stashed but as Mum pointed out it'll mainly be the bra's that will be needed, luckily there's an M&S in Burnley and once I start dropping sizes bra's will only be £5-£8 each so not too dire. I've also looked at a lot of before&after photos of ladies who've had the op. the bosoms are still quite pronounced so I won't be dropping THAT much.
I need to go to Halifax on Friday to get us new bus passes. Think I'll ring the Burnley station about those too, see if they do them, a one hour bus journey each way is a bit much for bus passes!
So my to-do list is:
take medications as directed
call opthalmologist's secretary re: private referral/consult with gastric person
call Burnley station re: bus passes
More rest
put some laundry on at 5pm
make a nice casserole thing for tea so we can use up those chicken thighs and wings
rest rest rest
Knit some more of my Tammy jumper
find payslip and check how much money should be in my account so I can plan
do some more online research for a good WLS cookbook/food guide
ring pharmacist to get pills delivered.
I don't think phone calls are particularly exertive, I just sit there and talk.
If I shift a crate full of laundry from the bedroom to the landing I can take a little down each time I come down from visiting the loo.
Knitting with one needle under the arm and just doing either 1x1 rib or stocking really isn't taxing
online research also not exertive.
I shall also hunt down a little something for hubbiekins online. I believe I have a nice lady online who still wants to do an English sweets for Dutch sweets swap and she has access to some serious liquorice! Actually, I shall PM her now.
Sorry, this blog has most definitely diverted from knitting! I do have some knitting thoughts, just no photos as I'm a lazy so-and-so and haven't gotten them off the camera yet.
Still have the hanks from the Harrogate visit out, I just love to cuddle them!
Alison is going to raid Lidl for me on Monday and try to get me many packs of the pom-pon yarn. I'm still pondering what I shall do. Half wants to make a throw and half is pondering something involving the knitting club at school.
Should manage some decent progress on Tammy tomorrow so I shall hunt the camera.
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