Done some dyeing today, I had some hanks soaking since Monday so I thought it might be time to dye them.

Now dripping into the back yard. I love the middle one and may well try and replicate that for myself. I've discovered to get those strong colours I have to mix pretty strong dye so it isn't exhausting, ah well. It is pretty.
I did a load of tops last week, got round to photographing them today (we have sunshine!)

So those are now listed in my Etsy shop. I have plans for others but it's getting the space in the kitchen! Also, I prefer the first hour or so of drying to be outside as no matter how well I squish the things will drip.
Rebeltrouser was making an order with Stitchlinks (I think) or some American knitting company and asked if anyone wanted to join in the order to share postage, well how could I refuse? I made a list for her and she tallied and told me how much I owed her. Two of the books I wanted were the same price on Amazon so that's how she ordered them. Yesterday I got:
"It Itches" by Franklin Habit (finished already, absolutely hysterical)
The Harmony Guide to Colourwork Stitches. I drooled over that yesterday.
I most highly recommend both, especially Itches, Franklin has it spot on about things with his cartoons and the little essays in between had me laughing out loud on the bus.
Been up for Jo's NQT certificate which was accidentally posted next door, been up for the LandsEnd delivery and been up for some call-centre somewhere saying "I happen to know you are Mrs. Bennett and in charge of the bills" Erm....No. "When would be best to ring back to talk to this person?" Actually, we'd rather you didn't. "Oh, okay, bye." Apparently being on the Telephone Preference Service List means nothing to that lot and how the hell did they get our surname?
Ey well. Got 25 minutes then time to boot-up and head to afternoon shift.
My balance is currently doing okay but the eye thing is determined. It actually aches today. I felt wonderful yesterday, completely forgot I was having this investigated, went to speak to hubbie and complete blackout in right eye, oops. Did it today too, I had bobbed down (keeping eyes pointing forward as suggested by Alison) to repair something for a kidlet, stood up (eyes still pointing forward) and there went vision again. Blah.
I am going to do my best to persuade hubbiekins to give me money for the Bear Knitters this Sunday, as one friend said "if you've been feeling ick enough to check if you're pregnant you need a treat" Made me giggle. And no, I'm not preggers although I am now seriously thinking about it. But first, find out what the hell is affecting my vision and stomach and head! So far the three suggestions from friends have been:
Menier's disease
Migraine without headache
Funny thing about those? All three, when looked up on t'internet say "Doctors diagnose X when all others have been ruled out by testing" ALL THREE! So, exactly HOW does that work?
Oh yes, we have caterpillars!

No idea what they are, I've seen some pretty purty moths and butterflies round here so I dunno who chose our Flowering Currant to devour. I have cut off some branches from the plant, including one covered in the little things and put them in a tub with some mesh over the top, hopefully I can find out what they are.
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