My knitting and spinning mojo are currently AWOL so I'm doing crochet when I feel the urge to do something.
Currently on the go I have:
Giant granny afghan
Hexaghan - frogged as my idea didn't work but now I have a hex pattern I shall be restarting that.
Beginners crochet cable scarf - as I can't get knit cables down well I thought I'd try crochet.
In the works are:
Mini cover for Christmas tree festival (crochet)
Half-cousin Alison's stocking (knit)
Went to Halifax yesterday morning as I twigged 5yo+stocking=mess so I didn't want to send her a hand-wash only one. Went to the yarn stall at the top, mid-way across and said what I wanted, got what I wanted. I love that lady, she knows her stock! Got a sarnie for lunch and just had to pop into Thorntons.
Also went to see a GP at the Health Centre. For the best part of the year I've been having moments where I get off the bus and my hearing phases in and out with a rushing noise I've also been more and more off-kilter, certain that gravity is acting 15' off vertical. I've been putting it down to getting up too quick and the odd time I've had refined sugar but in the last mointh and a bit a new thing has been happening that disturbs me: the vision in my right eye goes grey round the edges and sometimes completely black. This is not normal! It's also been happening more and more often, it used to be once a week, then every few days and now it's multiple times a day so I've been concerned and made a GP appt. Well, what a rude man. As soon as I said the vision issue was only one eye he didn't really want to know any more, I told him about the giddiness/off-kilter and the hearing thing but got no reaction/acknowledgement. He told me I should have seen an optician first well NER to him, I thought maybe with everything else the GP was a good start.
Anyhoo, I have a fasting blood test a week today so I need to ring my boss and book that morning off, I am not working without breakfast as I know I'm slow without it. I also have an optician appt. this Friday. It's going to cost £24.50 with a possible extra £7.50 if they do a pressure test. So that's going on the credit card. My bank balance is looking unhealthy already, I was going to pay some money onto the credit card but haven't any to pay onto it so I feel like I'm letting Jo down.
I feel nauseous all day, I'm knackered all day and my right eye is driving me nuts because it just feels Wrong like it's not quite focusing properly or something.
So, yeah, feel rotten, Jo is feeling rotten when he's home and we're making eachother miserable and it's only Tuesday of week 1.
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