Monday, 14 September 2009


Not having a good day today, got an e-mail reminding me of a £180 debt so that was bothering me through my shift, sorted it now with some post-dated cheques so I don't have to try and remember any more to write them, just that £45 will disappear from this month, October, January and February's pay checks. I've begged forgiveness for now December cheque but I have to pay for Christmas pressies and postage that month.

Not feeling so good toady. Can't seem to co-ordinate my hands very well, took me 2 minutes to write a simple address because I had to concentrate on every single letter and do them in capitals. Got tingling in my left hand, damaged nerve is acting up again. Right eye says it's not seeing properly but can't tell me which bits are missing. Just feel crappy today.

So I'm going to sit at the laptop until near lunch time, go to the shop and get something interesting for lunch, maybe a nice egg custard if they have any and generatlly rest and recooperate before adternoon shift.

Didn't ring boss last week so will be doing tomorrow's morning shift on empty tum, ah well, I shall absord the excess energy from the air that the kids give off at breakfast club and I'll be okay.

Sorry for the huge quantity of typo's today, I try and correct them and make worse ones!

Anyway, yeah, that's it really. Got a custom dye order to do this week, shall wind off for that tonight and soak it overnight to dye tomorrow. I'm going to try and get an advance appt. booking to see my usual GP when the blood results should be back, hopefully they only take 2-3 days and I might actually KNOW something by Friday. I know the optician has said to refer me to opthalmology so I need to do something about that this week too.

Later peeples.

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