So, I was good all night and this morning, made sure all I had after 9.45pm was water. I treated us to curry last night and forgot just how salty that is so I was desperate all morning. I can't drink water in any decent amount, it makes me want to vomit.
Got to the health centre with plenty of time to spare, got in earlier than expected because some people hadn't turned up and sat down ready to lose some blood. The nurse asked if I'd fasted, I said yes and she told me I didn't have to, according to her sheet I was alright to have had breakfast. Grrrr. Anyway, that's been taken and results will be back in a week. Unless there's something "abnormal" it's up to me to ring reception in 7 days.
I also handed over the letter from the Optician, the receptionist said it was unlikely I'd need to see a GP to be referred so I should expect to hear from wherever I've been referred to soonish. Well, if it's anything like the physio that'll be next year!
So, it's waiting game at the moment, joy.
On the plus side the sun is shining and our new daylight bulbs have arrived. I think I shall go get the stepladder and finally change the living room bulb. We did make an order with EBulbshop about 6 weeks ago but they didn't e-mail confirmation and when I tried ringing I got nothing so Jo has opened a Paypal dispute to get his money back and we went with CPC, same bulbs just different supplier. We also ordered some replacements for the church so I'll be going up that long ladder into the eaves next week I expect. Maybe I can get hubbie to ladder and me to hold the bottom? Then again, the only reason I got the first bulb down was by shoving it in my cleavage (yes, it was bleedin' cold!)
Right, going to go change living room bulb and wind off hanks for dyeing which I forgot to do yesterday.
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