Tuesday, 25 August 2009


Well, I reskeined my dyed yarns:


This Saturday gone was the picknit in Shibden park. Absolutely perfect weather and we all had a lovely time. The kidlets did well even if one really didn't want to knit in order to go on the boat. Alison and I got a little lost, Nuvi actually got lost too so that was sort of reassuring.

This week I have decided to crochet a bed-spread. Madness I know but somehow soothing. I'm doing 30 15" squares to produce a 7'6" by 6'3" throw. Made 4 already in 2 days. I already have another planned but that requires some more JCB marble chunky.

Saturday Alison and I are off to Huddersfield to the new yarn shop and so I can finally give Knittyfred the sack of yarn for the yarn mountain and pay them for the yarn they got for me from Coldspring. As the last working day of this month is a bank holiday it's possible I may get paid Friday so that will be good BUT I shall get out cash and NOT, really NOT spend more than I have in cash. Anyhoo, I'm putting £50 on the credit card so that's earmarked and then I'm putting some aside to the pay-back-sue-for-the-wheel fund.

Nushu is settling well, she's happy enough being a solo fert and the boys don't mind so long as they aren't all out at the same time.

That's it for now really. Photos of throw-in-progress :

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