Washed some more black texel today, that's drying in the back yard.
Also, Thomas' ashes came in so he's home and on the shelf next to Lou. I feel contented now, even though his spirit was home the same day he died I always feel they're lose in the ether until their ashes are home again.
I enquired about getting Nushu microchipped, the vets charge £30 for it! So she won't be chipped. She had her first trip out today, put her in her harness and we went to get the ashes, she was hyper at the idea of the bus and the people and the sights and ooooooooh! She was a good girl though and when random people came up to her she was happy to be stroked.
Anyhoo, that's about it really. I'm trying to fill out the provisional licence form so I can start learning to drive but we need to print off an extra form as I have depression and all I have to do with that is cross a load of "no" boxes, give my GP's name and address and what meds I'm on for it.
*sigh* Oh well, we're going to attack the house this week and try and get some space or atleast get the stuff organised. Starting with the living room and working up. I reckon there's a few crates of stuff can go in the boiler cupboard out of the way and then there's the bathroom cupboard that can store stuff if we organise it better. Will send off the maidens on my first wheel at the end of the month to get those re-leathered and then I can sell that off as a working wheel.
Need to repair the bed too, the little metal legs provided for the middle section were only held on with one bolt and the wobbling of 4 years has seen those die so I got some 2x4 blocks and shelf supports to make super-legs and hopefully see us not sleeping on the mattress on the floor.
Then Jo has ordered new bulbs as the one in the living room has gone dim so I'm up the stepladder to change that. I also volunteered to get a dead bulb down at the church so they can figure out what type it is and then I'm up the ladder to replace those. Doesn't sound so bad until you think about how high the rooves are in churches...........eeep. Still, I reckon I can get Irene to sign my photo in return :)
Now I go to browse t'internet and relax then maybe attack the boiler cupboard and get out the folding cage for Nushu so Ted and Miffy can have the single-level for their hols next week.
busy busy busy
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