Saturday 20 November 2010

Books for sale

I'm having a big pre-move clearout, as I am no longer able to hold books open long enough to read any amount I'm selling my reasonably substantial collection to raise money to get ebook versions. Prices are based on condition (mainly excellent) and current resale market prices. Postage and packing will be calculated based on what you want.

I am open to offers!

Photos to come when the camera batteries are charged.

Neil Gaiman
Anansi Boys - Hardback £5
Fragile Things - Hardback £5
Neverwhere - Author's prefered version, paperback - £3
Smoke and Mirrors - Paperback £3
American Gods - Author's prefered paperback - £3.50

Laurell K. Hamilton
Anita Blake 1-3 - paperback £3.50
Anita Blake 4, 5, 6 & 7 - paperback £3 each
Meredith Gentry entire set - 6 paperbacks and 2 hardback - £15 for the set

Katie MacAlister - paperbacks £2.50 each
Fire me up
you slay me
light my fire
Holy Smokes

Maria V. Snyder
Poison, Magic and Fire study trilogy - £5 for the set

Charlaine Harris
Dead Until Dark - £3
Living Dead in Dallas - £3

Nora Roberts
Circle Trilgoy - Box set - £5

Thomas Harris
Hannibal Rising - Hardback - £4
Hannibal Trilogy (Red Dragon - Hannbial) - Paperback - £7

Clive Barker
Abarat 1&2 - paperbacks - £5 for both

Sergei Lukyanenko
Day Watch - £3
Night Watch - £3
Twilight Watch - £3

Alice Borchardt
Raven Warrior - Paperback - £3
Silver Wolf - Paperback - £3

Iain M. Banks
Against a dark background - Paperback - £3
Inversions - Paperback - £3
Excession - Paperback - £3
Feersum Endjinn - Paperback - £3
The Player of Games - Paperback - £2.50
Look to Windward - Paperback - £3
Consider Phlebas - Paperback - £3
Use of Weapons - Paperback - £3

Iain Banks
A song of stone - Paperback (still in celophane) - £3
Complicity - Paperback (still in celophane) - £3

James Mallory - Merlin Triolgy - £5 for set

Kate Mosse - Labyrinth - £3

The Illuminatus Trilogy - £4

Mary Gentle - 1610 A Sundial in a Grave - £4

Fritz Leiber - The First book of Lankhmar - £3

Steig Larsson - Millenium Trilogy - £8 for set

David & Leigh Eddings - The Redemption of Althalus - £4

Aaron Clement - The Cold Moons - Hardback - £3

The Essential World of Darkness (White Wolf publishing) - Paperback - £5
The Quintessential World of Darkness - Paperback - £5

Arthur Golden - Memoirs of a Geisha - £2

Alex Boese - Elephants on Acid and other bizarre experiments - £2

Dan Brown - Deception Point - £2

Please do reserve books in comments or email me at Jacqui (dot) bennett (at) gmail (dot) com

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