Add to that a ruptured fish tank and lots of heat and my brain is a little frazzled.
First, the fish tank. I have five tropical fish; one plec named George, two neons called Eenie and Meenie and two clown loaches I have yet to name. They lived in a two by one foot base tank in a depth of one foot of water, this is approx. 60 litres of water or 60kg of water. Then there's the bog wood, about another 1kg when soaked, 10kg of gravel to a depth of 3 inches, 500g of filter and media, etc. It all adds up.
Thursday evening Ted and Miffy the ferrets came to board for the weekend, I put up their cage while they played, installed their food, water, etc. and bid the lot good night. Friday morning I pop up to check and notice T&M are asleep in their litter pan, strange but okay. Three hours later I go to the bathroom and hear running water. I assumed it was the overflow so I look outside: nothing. Upstairs, no sound, bedroom: water falling onto windowsil from inside. Oh bugger! So I run upstairs calling hubbie to man panic stations, the fish tank has sprung a leak and has already shed 40l onto the floor. Hubbie runs downstairs and grabs a bunch of towels and I start draining the tank to below the leak. George got grabbed and plonked into their new temporary home (a large storage box) and the other 4 were caught in a tub and moved. Once there is no more water flowing and the towels have done their job I look at Ted and Miffy, only then do I realise why they were sleeping in the litter pan. Their cage base is two inches deep and sealed, it contains one inch of water. Poor Miffy who is tiny to begin with is looking even tinier because she is soaked and Ted isn't looking too chuffed either. I dried them off, emptied out and dried their cage and all was well.
The fish are now in their storage box with their heater and filter and doing alright considering what they've been through. The tank is in four pieces in the living room waiting for some sealant to arrive so I can repair it. The ferrets, all seven, are cage-bound until further notice because they could get in the "tank" and that wouldn't be good for mammal or fish.
Next, the heat. It has been glorious here this week, sunshine, breezes, gorgeous! It's not been so hot I can't bear it even indoors and so I have enjoyed it, got plenty of laundry washed and dried, the doglet has cooked herself repeatedly and everyone in general has been happy. So why has it caused chaos to me? Let me explain, every Thursday afternoon I go to the Bear cafe to knit, natter, and enjoy a snack. Unfortunately the Bear only has one window that opens and three that are six feet tall and get the sun all day that don't. Get the idea? It was boiling in there! Stupid me had just come up with a new design too so I was trying to work out the details while my poor brain overheated. Suffice to say, I did not get that much done.
Today's chaos is controlled:

Sixteen, yes, one-six, balls of wool attached to one project. This is the most complicated row of the flags luckily and the next row drops down to a much more manageable nine balls. Now atleast, you can see why I have the tub. Imagine if those 16 were allowed to just roll around. Tunisian crochet is done all from one side so as long as you wrap the colours one way going and reverse it coming back there will never be a knot or "wool orgy" to unravel. This is why I adore tunisian for colourwork, it is so simple.
Yesterday I put in my application to enter my hood into the craft show, item number 4, category 1. Just 13 days to the show. Competition will be tough though, Alison is entering her snood and Sarah is entering her beaded lace shawl. But it shall also be interesting. The last few years the knitted section has mainly been baby clothes and everything done in creams and whites, our colourful entries should spice it up a little.
Nothing else to report really, the new design is a scarf but I've yet to check it works. Why do I insist on knitting all my own designs first? It takes so long some times!
Anyhoo, later peeps,
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