A week tomorrow there's going to be a stall on the market where I can submit my entry form and pay the 75p entry fee without writing a cheque so I shall be doing that and asking if they might provide a plastic head to display this on. Honestly, it loses a lot lying flat.
On Sunday Ribbon Circus hosted a knit-in to knit chicken jumpers, chat and enjoy cake. The cake was bloody fantastic! The weather was very kind to us all and a good afternoon was had.
By Tuesday Alison had finished hers and handed it to me for end-weaving and button-adding, I finished mine and added to both:

While at RC I was tempted, very very tempted.....

Not the best photo. 70% organic merino and 30% alpaca, gorgeous yarn. I have a design in mind, something involving sheep, but I don't know what sort of article to make yet. I don't want to do a cushion cover and there isn't enough for a blankie.....I'm considering a scarf.
I've also started another blanket pattern. This time a Lion Brand one called "classic lace baby throw". The original design says to knit 5 separate panels (3 lace, 2 seed stitch), seam those together, knit two side panels in seed stitch and sew those on then pick up and knit borders top and bottom. Yeah, whatever.

I decided on the far simpler approach of knitting the whole thing at once. Knit the bottom border then side and panels as you go, finish with top border, no seaming required.
Not much else happening on the craft front. 4 more rounds and I have finished the sleeve increases on Jo's jumper and can transfer the 170 sleeve stitches (2 lots of 85) to holders and just knit the body. I'm trying to get to that point but the shear volume of stitches is exhausting! It takes me what feels like ages to do one round and is so dull I save it for telly time. Alas, not much been on telly so not much jumper done.
Tomorrow a lovely sounding lady is coming to collect the saxony wheel and pay me for it, lovely. We'll be able to get to the DVD's without tripping on it and it will go to someone who wants it. I did list the faults with it but she's still happy to take it.
This coming Thursday I shall be +2 ferrets for the weekend, Ted and Miffy are coming to board while their owner goes off for a spot of fun. I do like those two, they're absolute maniacs even compared to my lot. So Thursday through Sunday we'll have 13 animals and only two humans in this house.
Thinking of animals, Pippa has a new trick. Tuesday morning at 6am I hear an almighty clang, no idea what it was, went back to sleep, 6.15 another clang. Jo went downstairs to find Pippa in the living room. She's decided she likes to clear the doggy gate between the kitchen and the living room so she can sleep on Jo's side of the sofa.
I thought at the time there was maybe a reason, Wednesday morning she did it 6am, Thursday morning it was 5.30am. This morning she didn't get to try, I locked her in her crate before I went to bed. It may sound mean but she could easily break a limb on the steel gate so I'd rather "lock her up" for 10 hours max. than she tried to jump and broke something.
We also went to the park Wednesday morning, I let her off the lead and she ran off then back then off and back and I thought great, she's learning, nope. Ran off and there's a huge "CRACK", go down the slope and there is madam screaming at the top of her lungs while trying to pull a holly bush apart. Eesh. Luckily I went prepared and after going under the holly and grabbing her she went on the 25ft lunge lead. Apparently that wasn't deterrant enough, when I slowed down on a steep hill she pulled a bit of dead hedgerow off and then carried it the rest of the walk. I had so much fun getting that off her at the end NOT.
It's the Todmorden Agricultural Show next month and I'm still pondering whether to enter a ferret in the ferret show. Smithy got reserve best two years ago but he's not the best for being out and about, he won't follow me on the lead and he hates to be held all the time, he just ends up going up and down, up and down. David will veg out the whole day but I doubt he'd win anything, he's so laid back and nothing special really as far as showing is concerned. As far as being the best damn PR ferret in the area he's amazing, he doesn't care who says hello and when in my arms will take all the attention he can possibly attract. It'll have to be a see on the day I think.
Dunno if I'll take Pippa down at any point, depends how long Jo and I will both be there.
Anyhoo, Nature calls and I'm out of things to type.
Later peeps.
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