I love how my best ideas and epiphanies occur when I'm "indisposed". There's something in the act of sitting and knowing you have to stay there until you're done that creates the right brain waves for deep thoughts. Just now I was sitting there and I thought
"manic depression isn't life threatening"
Immediately followed by....
In itself it isn't but the actions that can happen because of it are potentially.
A couple of nights ago I was lying in bed and I had the most amazing idea for a pattern, no pad or pen, idea was gone before morning.
Does anyone else experience the doorway effect? You have a definite purpose, walk through the doorway and poof it's gone. Go to the fridge, open the door, poof. Sometimes you can just walk back through the doorway/shut the door and the purpose is remembered, other times you can forget for hours. Hubbie and I call it the doorway effect, it's quite powerful and also the reason I want pads and pens in the above rooms.
I've recently been on a design buzz and after designing and knitting Dad's cowl I started on a hood. The construction was easy enough it's the designs on it! I've gone through two leaf designs and two designs for the next band before making one I liked. I've printed it out three times now, once with the first leaf and first blue, then second leaf and first blue now second leaf and second blue. I'm now happy with my choices.
This is the first pattern band of leaves:

Next is a variegated blue/jade yarn (Mirasol Miski, baby llama fur!) with a diamond theme. Then it will be the hood design.
I've got a gorgeous swan on water under trees in a circle for the hood, just need to work out how to knit it! It will be intarsia but at the moment I'm unsure how many bobbins will be required. That's tomorrow's task, work out bobbin count.
I'm going to enter it into the Tod show handicrafts section! American Sarah is entering a shawl and I'm entering my hood. It does mean quite a long day as you have to get the items there before 9am and can't collect them until gone 4pm But still, we may win something.
I do enjoy knitting. It's soothing or engrossing depending on pattern choice.
That's about it really, later folks.
1 comment:
My train of thought is almost constantly jumping the tracks.
And people rarely die of what they supposedly die of. A gunshot victim doesn't die because there's a piece of metal in their body. They die because the entrance of that piece of metal either caused them to bleed to death or become septic, but we still say they were killed by a gunshot wound. While I tell people my father died of lung cancer, he actually died of congestive heart failure which was a direct consequence of his lung cancer. To me, that's the same way that manic depression, unipolar depression, and other mental illnesses are potentially fatal, although the proximate cause of death would be suicide. They simply would not have died that way without the presence of the disease.
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