I finished my tunisian bag:

I didn't follow the instructions exactly I did the main section until I only had 4 foot of cotton left and I put the beads on the flap as I went, which was......interesting. It's rather bizarre to let go of the tunisian hook to use the crochet hook with bead. I did lose a stitch somewhere in there but I fudged it and all is well.
I have learnt to NEVER name a project before completing it.
Remember the Serene hood?

Well, I got to the part where you start the hood, got 5 rows into the swan chart and then went Bugger. It was going to be humongous! So I took out just the swan and the tree infront of it and will put that on the hood instead. Changing the chart was easy enough, frogging back, not so easy.
Also, the front of the hood is the join on the round so while it doesn't show too much in the leaves, the blue diamonds are skewed at the join. It won't show when being worn but still, ack.
Yep, I shall never again name a project such an inviting name to Messrs Murphy and Sod. So far I have:
Changed the leaves
Changed the blue
Cropped the swan
Added some bind off stitches to the front
Am considering some I-cord
Yep, I feel a reet numpty. Still, I am still enjoying it and am planning to enter it into the Tod Show knitting competition.
I am also currently in possession of this:

Zauberball Lace in "cranberries" colours. I offered to knit Dodo of The Mad Bag Lady blog a shawl from it as she has found it is too fine for her to see. So, I chose Sinda and Dodo bought the beads then sent it to me. I bought the pattern as I want to do it for myself if I survive this go! I say survive because while it is a relatively easy lace chart there are beads. Lots and lots of size 8 beads. Zauberball Lace is a single ply, it's wound loosely so it falls off and tangles on itself and it's fine yarn. Add to that the matter of a less than 1mm hook that can pierce skin easily and hundreds of beads and I have set myself a Challenge. The capital C is definitely required there.
On the plus side, I love the pattern although I may omit the border and adding beads isn't that insane. The designer herself has offered assistance working out how to do it with the amount of yarn I have but I think I will leave off the edging. I don't like what knitted-on edgings do to the stitches they're joined to.
I was thinking I might need to get blocking wires for blocking it but it has just occured to me that I have two 150cm cables for my KnitPro needles and those may be long enough to block the sides.....or not, the shawl is 208cm with border and even allowing a generous 10cm each end that's still 198cm. Hmmm, shall have to actually use my cable connectors!
Right, tasks for this week
- finish serene hood without any more cock-ups!
- start lace on Sinda
- Friday morning: re-adhere the tiles around the bath!
- Keep up with the washing up and laundry
- take the doglet for a damn good walk once my foot is healed
- Get on with parents' afghan
- Enjoy myself
Yes, the doglet hasn't had a walk today and only got a little one yesterday. Why? Because I got a blister right in the middle of the arch on my right foot. Turns out I haven't quite got the straps on my right sandal correct and the arch support has infact rubbed. I was okay while the blister was intact, it just felt like a tiny pebble but then it popped and the new, raw skin underneath was bleedin' sore! So I haven't been able to walk very far. Instead of forcing it over the weekend I decided to have two days not walking much in the hope I might be able to manage a good walk by Monday. There's a "monolith" as Sarah calls it up in the sheep fields near Height Top that I plan to take the dog to and see what it is. That's hopefully tomorrow's task, assuming the weather is nice to us and my foot can take the walk. It is a long way up but the views are great and I shall be taking the camera with us.
Not much else to report really.
Later peeps,
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