Anyhoo, lots of things this past month.
Completed one baby blanket:

Did a white i-cord border to compensate for the two different yarns, they're both aran and acrylic but one has a lot more stretch than the other so the border contains them.
That was delivered before the Easter hols, I also knit some chicks (sorry no photo) and between us all the kids raised £180 for the NSPCC. Not a bad go for 10 kids is it?
Made a cosy for my DS Lite:

That is as far as he's gotten, I've yet to sew on some button eyes and do the seams. Dunno why, I finished the knitting and just put him aside. Really must finish that.... He does have an extra pocket at the back for my game holder though so it's all inclusive atleast.
Started on a little lap blanket for me, about 4 feet wide:

It's a very basic stitch, linen stitch, but the fabric it produces is dense and hole-free, perfect for a blanket. This is my fall-back project, if I'm off out and have nothing easy I can always grab this to work on.
After lots of chatting with hubbie I am making him a jumper:

It's based on Armenius by the talented Kai but I'm not doing the cabling, just a plain top-down raglan with ribbed collar, cuffs and bottom. I did originally intend to do the Tree of Gondor chart from Rav. but daft me didn't twig that if you're knitting in the round that is going to be one HECK of a lot of ends so I trashed that idea and it will just be plain. The yarn is Airedale Aran from Texere and absolutely *heavenly* to knit! It's Blue Faced Leicester and feels like butter, it just glides along my needles.
Anyhoo, because I bought the yarn for the charted jumper I had 4 balls of cream/natural to use. Well, Dad's birthday is next month so I whipped this up in the past 3 days:

Not sure which way up I prefer, I shall leave it to Dad. The cream is the Airedale the navy is Woolcraft aran with wool (75% acrylic, 25% wool) it is SUPER warm and now I'm plotting mine! Took just under a whole 50g ball of the Airedale so that leaves me 3 and a bit to play with.
Thanks to the most amazing woman in the US I got a humongous parcel on Thursday, it contained my 36 balls of KnitPicks yarn and some Patons yarn for Alison. I forgot to take a photo of the huge parcel but this is the bit I'm working with:

You can also see my KnitPro (European branch of KnitPicks) crochet hook and the 150cm cable for it.
I tried to get the balls to be centre-pull for me but they just barfed and I had a potential MESS on my hands. So I spent Friday afternoon winding 13 balls into well.....balls.

The Nautical Afghan has begun. I've done 3 rows of 196. Put it aside to get Dad's cowl done and now I'm having a knitting/crochet rest for 24 hours to apologise to my left arm which is complaining about overuse. I did wind 13 balls by hand after all.
Oh yes, to do tunisian it's recommended to pull the new colour up under the old to prevent a gap, this leads to interesting patterns down the yarn:

Every 2 rows I stop and untwist.
Oh yeah, and 1 row of pattern is 2 rows of tunisian, you see you go all the way across putting the loops onto the cable then you come all the way back taking the loops off. So it's actually 392 rows and I've done 6.
But I love how it's coming out, should be wonderfully warm even if right now it looks like a yarn orgy!
This row of flags needs fourteen balls, the next one will have *fifteen* active balls! Hence the segmented box, can you imagine the mess if fifteen balls of pure wool were allowed to mingle? Eep.
Anyhoo, that's about it on the yarn front.
On the job front: I'm jobless. I took some time off to just get myself back together and now I'm looking. I've mostly filled out a form to be an exam invigilator at hubbie's school, it's not even part-time but it's something.
I should also go see the local junior and infants school about some voluntary classroom experience, it's only a short walk away I just well....can't be arsed to be honest. But I have until November 8th to complete this course so I better get on with it especially as mid-July to September is holidays.
Pippa is settling well. We finally built and installed the gate in the back on Easter Monday and since then we've had some glorious sunny days, Madam has enjoyed going out and cooking herself. She's quite sensible though, moves into the shade when she feels too warm and drinks plenty.
The sheep in the fields where we usually walk have had their lambs and as Pips is a known sheep-worrier I'm now not taking her into those fields, the lambs don't know any better, we saw one that couldn't have been more than an hour old yesterday, and I could just feel Pips considering a munch.
She's not too fussed though, it's so warm when the sun's out that she just wants a quick trot round the block then back to sunbathe. Thank goodness for adopting the "old lady" :p
Well, that's it. I am relaxing with a bowl of cereal and some music telly. In an hour I'll put a film on I think.
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