Tuesday, 3 November 2009

I've had enough!

The next arrogant prick that insults me is going to feel my wrath. I've had a bloody nasty headache for months, it turns into migraine in the cold but I still have to work as it's only a mild migraine.

I had the 'flu over the holiday which gave me a fever and caused my head to feel even more squashed than usual and I got bugger all proper rest. My crafting mojo has deserted me completely.

And then today.....

This morning I was doing my shift as usual, had the traffic stopped, all the crossers were just stepping on the pavement, I was jsut about to check for laggers before letting the traffic go but some grumpy git decided he was going to drive through anyway, about 1 foot from my pole and 2 foot from me!

This afternoon someone stops their car in the bus stop, a woman gets out and the car stays put, apparently her husband thought it'd be fine to keep the car there because "if he's in it, it isn't parked" Erm, actually, it is, parked is the handbrake is on! Anyhoo, she persuaded him to move.

Then later in the same shift a Dad came down with daughter in tow and a huge golf umbrella (if you're not playing golf, why do you have one????), the point of the umbrella was sitting just 4" from my glasses lense so I politely asked if he could be careful where he pointed it. "Well, the sooner you cross us the sooner you won't be worried about *something that sounded like "looking like a currant bun"* " I was flabergasted! I had a fat-ar$ed Honda parked too near me to see the traffic from the near side and was absolutely soaked with the pouring rain and had a migraine, I very nearly told him to go cross himself.

arrogant, self centred bastards! What happened to chivalry, manners and general politeness?

Add to this the fact that Jo is down and stressed from work already and I get bugger all cheer all day every day. I'm currently helping at the school two afternoons a week just to get away from the brown living room and the depression that's settling on the place.

On the plus side, I have a date for my MRI scan, Saturday 14th November. They want a person who's willing to be there for 7.40am and as it's that or wait another month I went with it.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I think it's probably a bad idea to upset the lady that gets you across the road safely! Sorry to hear you're surrounded by such idiots. People can be so stupid, and the age of chivalry is pretty much officially dead I think.
Glad you got a date for the scan though. Hope it all goes well, and they don't keep you waiting long for the results. xx