Monday, 26 October 2009

How long?!

I plucked up the nerve to ring the MRI unit today, just politely enquiring if they have an idea when my appt. will be. What with the postal strikes I was concerned the letter might get delayed or whatever.

Anyhoo, first she can't find me on the system, goes to ask someone else, oh yes, found you. "Due to the current waiting list you can expect to hear something in about 2 weeks" A whole month since my referral? ACK.

The CSF reducing pills are getting less and less effective, today I'm not sure if it's my brain being squished or if I have a cold coming on. No temperature atleast.

So I feel ruddy awful and still have two weeks before they even try making an appointment for me.

On the plus side I had a lovely time yesterday with Alison at Ann K's place in Brighouse. She'd done the "World's biggest coffee morning" last month and was wanting to block and join the sqaures so A and I went over to help. Turns out neither of us is any good at blocking using wires and pins while at ground level but we did get some blocked. Had a lovely lunch then blocked the last 5 and started joining them. quarter past 5 all that's left is for Ann to join her 8 to our 16 then put a border on. Think we did okay.

We did spook littlest son a bit, Saturday is usually telly day so middle son was watching telly, smallest one poked his head round the door and pegged it. He started lunch sitting under the table with his sarnies but was eventually coaxed out with the mention of chocolate buns ;) After that he was pretty much over his fear and once both kidlets got over the sugar-crash they were good as gold. My fault, I got refined sugar choccy and lemon cakes not really thinking kidlets would be involved. Turns out they're almost as sensitive as me and came crashing down once the sugar wore off. Ann got squooshed on her chair by two little squeakers and we all had a nice afternoon.

Knit'n'knatter tomorrow. I got some of the mini pom-pom wool in Lidl so might take my scarf to work on or something else equally as simple. Actually, I shall take the sleigh bottom and get myself to work on it. I really dislike knitting Sirdar Yo-Yo, it's prone to cathing your needle with a fluffy loop instead of the main strand. Ah well, it knits quick.

Going to Tesco afters, need to get the furballs more litter as my usual lady is in London until Thursday and we don't have enough to last until then. Also "need" to get House season 2 as we've finished seaon 1 and hubbie likes it.

That's about it really. Gonna go faff on t'internet for a while and generally procrastinate.

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