Yesterday I went to see a GP for a routine appt, as instructed.
"are you getting B12 supplements or injections?" No, I'm taking a multi-vitamin and iron supplement because I know my diet lacks in places. "Okay, that's fine. You have a raised level of B12 but that's alright, it's not harmful and is better than a lack"
"Do you drink alcohol?" Nope. "well your one of the four liver function results is up, it could be fatty liver but as we don't have any previous results you'll need another test in 3 months to check against."
What about the iron? "You have a high level of hemaglobin for a woman but it's alright"
So, basically, I wasted a GP's time and mine to find I'm fine and just need another liver function blood test in 3 months. They already have my drinking status, half a can of cider a year, so why couldn't they just say, oh yes, all within normal boundaries, there's a few raised but not worryingly and could you do another liver function test in 3 months?
Eh well. So I still have no idea what's causing my eyesight to come and go nor what has smudged the edges of my optic nerves in both eyes. I enquired about my referral, apparently it takes 2-3 weeks for a letter from a specialist to get into the system and then more weeks for the referral to be made and more to get an appt. So my letter from the optician saying "highly recommend referral" is sitting in a folder in Reception waiting for someone to scan it and ask a GP to confirm the refferal. Oy.
On the plus side I may have lined up a better paying, more hours job. One of the Mums who regularly gives me a lift does night shifts answering the phone for mentally imbalanced and disabled people and getting people out when alarms go off and stuff. There are two ladies going on maternity leave soon and her boss is going to pass on an application form to me. The hours are 11pm to 7am which suits my natural sleep cycle soooo much better and is long enough that I can get buses.
So, yeah, need to type up my letter of notice, what on earth do you say in those things? Dear boss, thanks for the job but I want more hours so I'm going elsewhere. By the way could you give me a referral? Eep. I've had...oooh...6 jobs so far but this is the first where I'm leaving, the past have either been temp. jobs or for my Dad and I had to do other things.
I worked out if I put my notice in early next week then I can work to the holidays and then the new person can take over next half of term. Holiday ends at end of October and I have to give a month's notice.
So that will put empty lollipop crossings up to 13 in Lancashire. It has given me good experience though, before this I never really had to deal with people so that's an extra to my CV. Thinking of which....I need to make a new one as I have no sodding clue where I last saved it.
Well, so much for doing anything today. I put out some laundry and ran the machine on a cleaning cycle and cooked myself some lunch then vegged infront of the telly. Have done some stuff on FaceBook but that isn't exactly ..... productive.
Anyhoo, gonna go make meself comfy, try and guess if it's going to rain and then head to work. later peeps.
Hi Fluzz,
My LFT's were also up. the same one-the alcohol one. I also dont drink. its because I'm on so much medication,plus statins so my liver doesnt like all the extra work. do you take loads of meds? could be the answer. it makes you feel like a bit of a lyer though doesnt it? Like you're a secret alcoholic.
good luck with your new job
I actually got the "I don't believe you" look when I said I don't drink. I have been taking my anti-depressants for.....5-6 years and I take codeine sometimes and ibruprofen and paracetamol and I've been taking anti-histamines for 11 years so, yeah, I blame the meds for my liver issue.
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