As I sit here Thomas is wrapped in a fleece blankie on my lap. He's given up, enough is enough Mum.
Yesteeday he was letharigc but today he's just given up. The spark has gone and he's just tired. I've bathed him so he's all clean and we're waiting for the 3.15 bus to the vet for his last visit.
He peed blood overnight and didn't move at all from where I'd put him.
His front legs are losing muscle rapidly and now all he can really move is his head.
I wish he'd just pass on now but, like Lou, he's too stubborn. He's only 3.
Damnit! why does time go so slow?!
So, yeah, if I'm not responding to messages for the next few days this is why.
Also, hubbie is off to an interview this evening and away until some stupidly early hour Friday so I'll be home with the fuzz and a hole in my heart.
I'll write a proper obituary later.
1 comment:
hugs to you, hon!!!!!
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