Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Finally finished

A HUMONGOUS thank you to Alison for re-knitting the front and back of this and showing me how to sew up! It's finally complete.


So my lady is going to be happy and I'm happy now it's done. I've learnt a LOT about working from patterns and planning ahead. I also learnt I hate knitting big things in cotton! The lack of stretch makes my hands ache.

Also, some dyeings I did before we went on hols and left to dry on the airer:

Merino/silk blend dyed with Procion MX dyes. The jet black came out interesting, the silk took as black but the merino came out brown. Strange as when you dye cotton with it it comes out black with a purple where'd the brown come from???

I'm gonna process the holly photos soon, chickens and sparrows and amazing views and little knit hats.

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