Tuesday, 4 August 2009

I'm baaaaaack

So, we got back about 11pm Sunday and yesterday was catch-up day.

Today we're back to a semblence of normality.

I've come home with a new little jill ferret called "Nushu" I've got the strong feeling she's deaf, I've tried whistling, shaking tins of pencils above her, the works, and not a hint of recognition.

She screams like a banshee! The boys aren't doing anything to her but existing and she'll scream so loud you can hear it two floors down and over the telly.

Originally she was going to be a pal for Thomas but as he doesn't seem to like her that much I've put Barry in with him and am trying to integrate her with the other boys (Smithy, David and Fred). S, D and F are being ever so patient with her, trying to settle down to zuzz with her and when she squeals too much they run off. I did find her in their cage earlier so she's obviously not scared of them just not used to them.

She's an abuse rescue, she was kept in a wooden box that was screwed shut and the "owner" chucked food in when they could be arsed.

Anyway, holiday was excellent. So relaxing to sit on a comfy sofa in a conservatory with amazing views and sunshine and just watch the world go by. The owners had 5 chickens that amused me with their antics and about 3 dozen sparrows. Didn't really go out due to location so the camera memory card is mainly full of bird photos and Innocent Smoothie hats.

I'll do a proper update some time in the future, promise. Right now my brain is still getting back into gear after shutting down for 5 days.

1 comment:

Coverse to the Oscars said...
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