Friday, 3 July 2009

wet wet wet

Yes, I do indeed have a CD of their songs.

Well, the heatwave has broken and it is *Pouring* down right now. Cool air is flooding the house and my wilting dye plants are soaking it up.

I was talking to one of the school bus drivers who gives me a lift last week asking him if he knew anyone who wanted a load of poo-encrusted fleece scraps. Well, he did and mentioned that if I took it up to the allotments near here and put a note it'd probably go. He also told me how to make liquid fertiliser using fleece scraps.

Take a pair of the missus' tights, stuff/pack full of fleece and add a brick/heavy weight before tying closed. Put in a bucket/barrel and cover with water, leave to ferment. Depending on weather conditions that's 3 days to a week. Then use a cup to a large watering can, if you just pour the stuff on your plants they keel over apparently.

It's so great. When hubbie and I eventually get a croft (we are hoping to one day) we can get winter male lambs, keep them for their fleeces and make fertiliser for the veggies and dye plants.

I also accidentally discovered another use for fleece scraps or even whole fleeces that aren't spinning quality: weed blocker. Pile it up over patches of earth you want to clear the weeds from and leave, it blocks out all the light and adds nutrients when it rains.

Or, wash them in the machine and give to your pets. I have a "fleece bucket" that David adores sleeping in. End of play time you can guarantee David will be curled up in that lovely snuggly place. Must get photos of them all.

So many uses for fleece and yet farmers are only being given 65p/kg I was watching someone demonstrate hand-shearing using the big scissor-style shears, took her a good 10-15 minutes, she'd get 30p for that fleece. 30p!

I've just realised: Hubbie's school are doing a sponsored walk up the hills near the school. He packed about 10l of water and squash and a bottle of sun screen. So, what's the weather doing? PEE'ING it down! Oh well, atleast none of the kids will get sun stroke! :p

Mmmmmmmmmm, it's lovely sitting indoors, comfy and cosy while listening to the back yard being soaked. I do love the rain so long as I'm not out in it.

Oooh, yes, I've joined the Tour De Fleece this year. I don't usually watch the cycling but it'll be nice to have some spinning motivation. Especially when I only have one bobbin for my wheel so spend more time winding it off then spinning/plying. Hopefully I'll get some money for my birthday and can buy myself some more bobbins but first I must e-mail Sue incase she's bought me some at Woolfest.

Ooooh, it seems I haven't told of my discovery last weekend. I got a lift from my great friend to a little hobby farm just outside Hebden on Saturday to see a lady about some Fleece, Spindlers has apparently had fleece from her before. Anyhoo, she was wonderful and we had a good chat about sheep and I came away with some bags and a fresh-sheared black x-breed fleece.

I sorted them that day so I could store them inside (I store new fleece outside until I'm sure it hasn't got "guests") Unfortunately the sack I'd chosen had been attacked by moths and was so riddled I didn't want to risk it so 4 fleeces were lost but have gone to the allotments instead so not wasted. Anyhoooo, before I re bagged them I took photos of the little varmints so others can see what to check for.

***WARNING: icky bugs!***

One of the moth parents:

Young Larva on my dust sheet

Larger larva on fleece:

Still, I did get 2 "ginger" manx loughtan fleece out of that and the huuuuuge black cross.

SOme manx drying:

Some x-breed drying:

So, not a wasted journey and the lady was very kind and said to contact her should I want more. The track was rather vicious to Alison's car so I might walk up that in future.

That's about it really. Going to go make lunch then sit down and watch The Zoo on TV while listening to the storm pass over.

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