Ferrets that have just been burrowing in freshly washed fleece smell wonderful.
Our washing machine can clean Shrewsbury fleece in 40 minutes without felting it. Hurrah for the 30'C woollen wash and old pillowcases.
It can also spin loads more water out that I can squeeze so I shall use that in future after hand-washing fleece
Why are drum carders so bleedin' expensive? 209 pounds.
Hand carding just one fleece takes aaaaaaages.
half-filling the standard size bobbin that comes with an Ashford takes about 20 minutes. Must get bigger bobbins so I can spend more time spinning and less winding, plying and setting.
Alpaca plied with merino is heavenly, glad I bought both.
Where am I going to store all this fleece?
Must ask coffee places tomorrow what they do with the sacks
Wonder how much I can sell hand-washed, hand-carded organic fleece for?
My month's wages are spent before I even get them
Ashford jumbo bobbin assembly: £75 includes 4 bobbins though
I swear Barry has a secret stash of E-numbers somewhere, that ferret can go for hours!
Shrewsbury Hoggs (5mo old lambs) are HUGE. One fleece I collected last night had a 10 foot girth.
Tomorrow I go to a local lady who hobby farms sheep and has loads of individually packed and dated and labelled organic fleeces. I shall discuss with her my intentions of selling the yarn/rolags in my shop and offer her a slice of the income or a donation to her chosen charity should she not want it.
My foot has gone to sleep
Need to move cages and fish tank around this weekend.
Now, I go to enjoy myself with some telly and hubbiekins
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